Truly Komal Flawless Acne Eraser Moisturizer Cream 50ml


It is a complete myth that Acne-Prone Skin doesn’t need moisturizing! Our deliciously gentle Acne Eraser moisturizer not only makes sure your pores aren’t getting blocked (which creates a build-up of bacteria and causes breakouts) but also makes sure your dry areas are deeply and thoroughly hydrated!

ACNET A magical combination of Glycolic acid, salicylic acid, S-carboxymethyl cysteine, L-lysine, and esters of alpha-hydroxy acids (malic and citric). This is a special compound developed by leading chemists in the Beauty Universe, that keeps acne-prone skin nourished and protected.

Salicylic acid helps to remove dirt, bacteria, and grime that has built upon the surface of the skin so that pores can remain clear and free from irritants. By removing dead skin cells and bacteria from the skin, salicylic acid helps to purify and exfoliate, which improves skin health and appearance.

Tea Tree oil will reduce redness, itching, and inflammation and will improve your skin texture. It will dry up your acne super fast.

ALOE VERA. Known world over as a miracle plant! It will KILL your acne bacteria, heal and moisturize your face from deep within, and it has antioxidants that will help that dullness go away too!

Availability: 5 in stock

It is a complete myth that Acne-Prone Skin doesn’t need moisturizing! Our deliciously gentle Acne Eraser moisturizer not only makes sure your pores aren’t getting blocked (which creates a build-up of bacteria and causes breakouts) but also makes sure your dry areas are deeply and thoroughly hydrated!

ACNET A magical combination of Glycolic acid, salicylic acid, S-carboxymethyl cysteine, L-lysine, and esters of alpha-hydroxy acids (malic and citric). This is a special compound developed by leading chemists in the Beauty Universe, that keeps acne-prone skin nourished and protected.

Salicylic acid helps to remove dirt, bacteria, and grime that has built upon the surface of the skin so that pores can remain clear and free from irritants. By removing dead skin cells and bacteria from the skin, salicylic acid helps to purify and exfoliate, which improves skin health and appearance.

Tea Tree oil will reduce redness, itching, and inflammation and will improve your skin texture. It will dry up your acne super fast.

ALOE VERA. Known world over as a miracle plant! It will KILL your acne bacteria, heal and moisturize your face from deep within, and it has antioxidants that will help that dullness go away too!


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