Hassle free Return and Exchange:
LIFE STYLE EXPRESS returns and exchange policy gives you an option to return or exchange items purchased from LIFE STYLE EXPRESS for any reason within the specified return/exchange period (7 days). At LIFE STYLE EXPRESS, what you see is what you get.
Our products photography allows customers to inspect each product in detail before placing order. However, we understand that sometimes customer might face issues when customers actually wear the product and might want to exchange it.
Simply Call/WhatsApp us at 0300-11 STYLE (78953) or email us at expresslifestyle0@gmail.com and our Representative will facilitate your exchange request and ship your desired product to your doorstep (with the shipping charges).
Exchange Policy:
1.   We facilitate all your exchange requests, regardless of the nature of your issue. Customers can either return the product at the time of delivery or ask for exchange or Customer can call us at 0300-11 STYLE (78953) or email us at expresslifestyle0@gmail.com and we will gladly facilitate your exchange request
2.   We will charge for delivery upon exchange of products. It will not be completely free.
3.   All products can be exchanged within 7 days of purchase.
4.   Products will only be exchanged if they are in their original condition. This entails that they are unused, not damaged, all stickers and tags intact and packed in their original packing.
5.   If there is a change in the order amount due to the exchange, in cases the exchange order value is below original order value, the balance amount will be provided to you as cash or bank transfer. In cases where the exchange order value is above original order value, you can choose to pay by card or through cash at the time of delivery.
6.   The complete exchange process will take up to 4 working days in major cities and up to 7 working days in all other cities.
Return Policy:
1.   At Life Style Express, we will always facilitate customers right to return a product if you are not satisfied with it.
2.   You can either return the product at the time of delivery or you can call us at 0300-1178953 or email us at expresslifestyle0@gmail.com and we will gladly facilitate your return request.
3. Â We will charge for delivery upon exchange of products. It will not be completely free.
4.   All products can be returned within 7 days of purchase
5.   Products will only be returned if they are in their original condition. This entails that they are unused, not damaged, all stickers and tags intact and packed in their original packing.
6.   We offer a money-back guarantee on all your orders. Once you return your order, you have the option to either request for a refund. Refunds can take up to 14 days to process asper bank policy.
Fragrance and Beauty products are not eligible for return or exchange. (depends upon the condition of product)
For more information on Return & Exchange, please call us at 0300-1178953 or email us at expresslifestyle0@gmail.com